The enthusiastic freestyle skiing group, The Blueberries, is still looking for new ski locations in Saguenay and Gaspésie, Quebec. Their latest project, AHOUH 2, is an exciting adventure that showcases their ongoing pursuit of powder and thrilling experiences in breathtaking surroundings.

Exploring the Unknown

AHOUH 2 is a film that takes freestyle skiing enthusiasts on an epic journey, showcasing extraordinary natural landscapes and unique playgrounds. The movie captures the daring spirit of the collective and explores uncharted territories to offer never-before-seen ski scenes and moments of pure adrenaline.

Behind-the-scenes of the shoot

If you're curious to know the behind-the-scenes of the creation of their first chapter AHOUH, dive into the backstage by discovering some secrets of the shoot. Click on this link to learn more about their film title's origin, memorable moments, and unseen anecdotes that marked the making of this exceptional ski film.

logo the blueberries un bleuet à ski


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