Press Release
December 20, 2023
For Immediate Release
Give Others the Chance to Play Outside!
1000 Jackets offered to the next 🧥
The entire Chlorophylle team is delighted with the 5th edition of the "Donnez bonheur et chaleur" initiative, which ended with a record-breaking 1000 jackets collected. For the coming winter, hundreds of men, women, and children will be warm enough to enjoy the pleasures of winter.
Each boutique is partnered with a local organization. The clientele served is varied, ranging from homeless youths to needy Quebec families, to immigrants with nothing in their suitcases to face the rigors of our winter. As the need is great, many organizations contact us to join the parade as the event unfolds.
Great need this year
It's a year of enormous need, we were told by all the organizations contacted during the Chlorophylle Jacket Donation. "The media are talking about a 20% increase in requests for help, and I can confirm that this is not an exaggeration. If I had to sum up the situation in two words, I'd say that debt and rising rents are responsible. For our part, we try as much as possible not to say no to anyone who dares to ask for a helping hand," explains Benoit St-Vincent, General Manager of the Saint-Sauveur organization Le Garde-Manger, who was delighted to learn that his organization was once again receiving the coats brought to the Chlorophylle boutique in his area. We also raised $484 in donations via our website. A draw will be organized to donate the amount to one of the participating organizations.

In the thrift stores of Saguenay, you can find second-hand winter coats priced between $8 to $50. The Chlorophylle team takes immense pride in being able to donate hundreds of coats to those in need, allowing them to use their resources for other important necessities such as housing, food, and healthcare. Giving back to the community in this way is a great accomplishment for the team and it shows their commitment to the betterment of the next generation.
Let us tell you ll about it...
1: A special request for help
We recently received a special request from a healthcare worker who is responsible for individuals with reduced mobility. He asked us if it would be possible to obtain one of the donated jackets as a gift for one of his clients. The client had been arriving at appointments wearing a spring jacket that wasn't warm enough during extreme cold weather, and the healthcare worker wanted to provide them with a better jacket. Our team was delighted to fulfill this request by selecting a beautiful and brightly colored Chlorophylle* jacket from the donation box. Additionally, we included some accessories that were lying around in the same box.
* Note that customers do not have to return only a Chlorophylle brand coat, but any brand!
2: The solidarity chain
Every year, we see groups of friends and work colleagues get together to organize a round of donations from friends and family to give their out-of-use coats a second life. Such is the case of our ambassadors Nick and Raphaël from the Blueberries, who added no less than 22 coats to the Chicoutimi boutique's donation box.
3: The clothesline of hope
Annually, the Auberge du Coeur Le Transit in Rimouski sets up a clothesline with a range of winter coats. This is a great initiative as anyone who needs a winter coat but may feel hesitant to go through the organization's door can pick one up anonymously. Isn't it a wonderful idea?
Gatineau | Saint-Sauveur |
« We have much more requests for help this year and so, this event allows us to be able to offer a coat to each person in need. » - Cindrella Dumont from the Family Animation Centre in Gatineau who received 68 coats. | « I witnessed a lady discreetly rummaging through the donation box, a bit embarrassed, then her eyes fell on a coat that she liked. A wide smile spread across her lips. It was touching to see. » - Benoit St-Vincent from the Garde-manger de Saint-Sauveur who benefited from a donation of 64 coats. |
Montreal | Quebec |
« The coats received as part of Chlorophylle's Coat Donation event are very much appreciated by the youth. They go away like hot cakes! With a coat that they couldn't usually afford to buy, the youth in precarious situations feel appreciated and less marginalized in the street. It gives them confidence. » - Joey Gallant, depot manager at Dans la rue Day Centre to whom we gave several boxes containing 138 coats. | « People are very happy because they can choose from a selection of beautiful, quality coats. » - Renée Huot from the Café rencontre Centre-ville in Quebec who collected 166 coats for their clientele. |
Trois-Rivières | Rivière-du-Loup |
« We have waiting lists for families looking for coats. Those we received as part of the coat donation flew away quickly. The model, color or size doesn't bother people in need: they just want to be warm for the winter! » - Joannie Trudel, intervener at the Ressource FAIRE in Trois-Rivières, who redistributed 48 coats to families. | « Coats for men are scarce, I would dare say the ones received from Chlorophylle are a "gift from heaven".[...] We make people happy every time. » - Odette Mimeault, president of the St-Vincent-de-Paul of Rivière du loup who was able to give a total of 41 coats to people in need. |
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