How about a little canoeing or kayaking in a magical place?
Summer is just around the corner and you'd like to do something a little different from the usual runs. See a breathtaking panorama with a technical challenge tailored to your experience. I believe that one of these rivers is made for you!
It is in the Lac St-Jean area that you will discover these precious jewels of rivers, which could be classified as intermediate for the Northwest and advanced intermediate for the Northeast. Although they are sisters, they are far from being twins even if they inevitably end up joining to create one. The challenges they offer are different and the views just as magical. The trip will require some logistics before the first paddle, but it is well worth it.
But how to get there?
Mistassibi North West
It is by taking the Domptar road from Dolbeau-Mistassini that you get on a well maintained gravel road. The nearby gas stations will allow you to fill up before entering the forest. The mileage is clearly marked all along the road in order to orientate yourself well. Just leave a recovery vehicle at km 79.3 near the sandbar river for the exit and continue to km 183 to get in the water.
What does the river look like?
The first part is made up of meanders, sandbanks with a regular flow without rapids. It is at the beginning of this part that the river sticks to a mountain range (East side) with impressive slopes exposing its cliffs often paired with waterfalls that end in the river...magic!

It is only after the lake that the R1 to R3 class rapids begin. The only R4 on this section can be negotiated very well, even by canoe. Otherwise, portaging is easy and fast on the right bank just upstream of the rapid. There are many campsites along the way.
All in all, it's 115 km of happiness, meanders, sandbanks, cliffs and rapids. Everything to enjoy!

The Mistassibi North-East
Logistically speaking, the exit point is at km 126 of the same access road, near a bridge. After taking a few forks and 239.5 km of gravel, we finally arrived at the launching point (see the map).
This launch is done in a very particular setting. That is an old burn...as far as the eye can see (2010). It is almost lunar. I would even say it takes us out of our visual comfort zone. It is gloomily beautiful. But nature takes back its rights gradually, with a greenery background through the few snags still standing.

More technical than its neighboring sister, the Northeast begins with a series of rapids on the narrow river for a few kilometers before widening and intensifying. From there, we find a nice balance of rapids ranging from R1 to R4, whitewater, and very changing scenery. Sometimes leaning against rock walls, other times against a river gravel bottom through many islands. It is simply awesome! Another 109 km of happiness! Only one short portage will be necessary in this descent. On several occasions the river follows or crosses forest roads which offer some additional launching alternatives while ensuring a possibility of evacuation.
Consult the map for more technical details, campsite possibilities, rapids rating and logistical alternatives...if you are interested in the challenge.
Plan on three to four days of descent per river. It is also possible to fish on both rivers. You won't regret it!
Photo credits: Dany Larouche and Michel Tremblay
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