We had Jordan Blackburn in our sights for a while, admiring his talent and his work. As excited as we are about this collaboration, he didn’t hesitate for long before diving in and creating a unique shirt for us. Below is his story about us:

« As an artist whose work is most often directly inspired by personal experiences in nature, partnering with Chlorophylle for this collaboration didn’t take a second thought; and as someone whose heritage story begins in the Saguenay region, the project turned out to be a dream come true of sorts. »

« The goal of the final images was to represent the beauty of the Gaspésie National Park using only the simplest of details, while capturing some of the feelings one gets when embarking on a winding journey and arriving at a final destination. Since the very concept of being outdoors, or in nature, is what brings so many of us together despite differences in age, social and cultural backgrounds, fitness levels, etc., it seemed appropriate to create an image that could be just about anywhere and anyone despite its original inspirations. »

His sources of inspiration

Before getting out his pencils, Jordan went back through many pictures from a trip to Gaspésie. He also took a virtual tour of the most beautiful «hotspots» posted on Instagram for more inspiration. How many sketches were made before arriving at the final result? « I couldn’t really say how many, » he laughs. « Sometimes I just draw one part of an idea, sometimes it’s the overall shape of the composition, sometimes it’s just words and notes and random scratching. » In the end, it was an amalgamation of styles, concept and mood that ended up offering the result you see on the sweater. A truly incredible process!

When Jordan Blackburn meets Chlorophylle, it’s a creative explosion!



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