Without being overly pretentious, there is no doubt that we have mountains around us that have nothing to envy to the rest of the world. Whether we are thinking of the highest summit in Quebec, Mont d'Iberville, the magnificent Mont-Tremblant no matter what the season, or the Fjord bordered by impressive rock faces from which one comes from the farthest corners of the planet to admire the grandiose landscapes. To celebrate International Mountain Day, we asked our ambassadors about their personal love stories with the beautiful mountains of Quebec.

Alexis Nantel: a hiker with a head full of stories
When he was very young, Alexis Nantel was hooked on hiking. He remembers that every Sunday afternoon, it was a tradition with his parents. "At the time, we mainly hiked in the Parc national d'Oka and climbed the Calvary of Oka. For me at a young age, it was an expedition coupled with a huge reward with the view of the Lake of Two Mountains," he recalls.
He experienced real hiking, with a capital H, when he joined the Scouts. With his comrades, he could walk for long hours surrounded by green giants while learning things like survival reflexes and simply living in a group. "I got the real taste for hiking, especially in an alpine environment, when I climbed Mount Albert in the Parc National de la Gaspésie, followed by Mount Washington in the White Mountains of the United States. A more hostile environment where the elements rub up against us without embarrassment," he says, recalling the first thrills.
Against what we might think, Alexis Nantel does not have a great hike to tell in his memories, despite the dozens of summits reached, but he does have a panoply of unforgettable hikes. However, he has a particular fondness for the hike le Centenaire in Parc National du Mont-Tremblant, which spans Mont de la Vache Noire. " Not because it's overly spectacular, but because I did it for the 50th time this year," he says. It's one of the first trails I hiked when I started back in 2007 as part of my preparation for an expedition and it has become a must for me over time. Its flora is varied and sometimes breathtaking. Its undergrowth and boulders are covered with green moss and a portion of it is almost an old-growth forest populated with yellow birches, emblem of our beautiful province. There is a lot of elevation change to keep you from getting bored, three summits to explore, he lists, several viewpoints, some of which are on the meandering Diable River and the streams that whisper their presence in our ears. " I have walked this 13 km loop trail in all seasons and each one of them has revealed a particular charm of the place," he says. It should be noted, however, that one end of the trail is no longer accessible, making it impossible to hike the loop.
Now, which summit does the hiker dream of for the next few years? Mount Iberville in Parc National Kuururjuaq, the highest mountain in Quebec! " I would like to at least touch the highest peak in our province as I have done all over the world. It's a place that speaks to me a lot and I would like to spend some time there. It's ours. Let's make the most of it," he concludes.

Discover Alexis Nantel's ambassador page
Un conseil:
Planning, in preparation for a mountain hike is always key. No matter the location, known or unknown, Alexis does not neglect this step. " I plan my food, my equipment and my clothes. It's part of the fun of hiking. During a winter outing, you have to think about layering: a base layer (top and bottom), a fleece jacket and a shell (top and bottom). I never felt cold despite a temperature of -25 degrees Celsius. I must say that when you open the trail after a good snowfall, there is enough to keep you warm! "

The Blueberries: skiing, having fun and filming
One of the powder passionate, Raph Duchaine of the group Blueberries also has many stories to tell about the mountains here. At a very young age, he was introduced to the pleasure of hiking by his parents. A resident of the Saguenay, he remembers very well outings to Cap-Trinité in the Parc National du Fjord-du-Saguenay or to the Sentier Eucher, which he even had the opportunity to hike to Cap Rasmussen (16 km) a little older. " I've never stopped doing it, from childhood until today," he says. When I got a taste of alpine hiking, my interest only increased. Pairing my passion for skiing with the mountain expedition is just a perfect mix!"
One of the most memorable outings for him and his group, The Blueberries, was a trip to the heart of the Chic-Chocs with the Rac-City gang last winter: " The starting point being at Rivière-à-Claude, we had to make a 12 km approach by snowmobile followed by a 2 hour climb, all at -35 degrees Celsius. Of course we had to be very well dressed because we spent almost 12 hours outside at that temperature." In fact, you can see some of the footage captured during their visit in their most recent video, AHOUH.
As Alexis Nantel reminded us of the importance of being well prepared, the guys had to make sure they had their avalanche gear, their warmest clothes and most importantly, a good thermos of chicken broth with them! "We were even lucky enough to see a beautiful moose on our way, he recalls. This incredible day allowed us to ski a mountain with a lot of quality snow, and to film images that can be seen in our latest film."
What attracts The Blueberries' accomplices to mountain hiking is the pleasure of being surrounded by wilderness and enjoying every moment of the outing in good company. "Fun, exploration and physical challenge," says Raph.
The Blueberries' " to-hike-list " is quite extensive. In fact, they are always looking for new places to ski! While waiting to find their next playgrounds, one thing is certain: they intend to go back to the white peaks of Gaspésie : "The Chic-Chocs have enormous potential and we still have a lot to see! " We can't wait to see the images they will present to us, isn't it?

Discover The Blueberries ambassador page

Marie-Pier Desharnais: touching the highest peaks
If many people were introduced to mountain escapades as children by active parents, it is surprising to note that this was not the case for our new ambassador, Marie-Pier Desharnais. The woman who has climbed the highest peaks in the world did not have the great thrill as a child, although some activities revolved around the peaks of her native region. "As a child, we would go sliding at the Domaine du Lac Louise, at the Pères du Sacré-Coeur in Victoriaville or at Mount Gleason in Tingwick, but that's where it ended. I also often played King of the Mountain on a snow hill with friends from the street, but I'm not sure that counts, right?" Her first real high mountain, she describes, was climbing Mount Fuji in Japan in July 2015. It wasn't until a year later that Marie-Pier revealed she had a passion for the mountains. "During my trek to Everest Base Camp in September 2016, I was completely blown away by the beauty of the Himalayan landscape but also by a kind of feeling of peace and inner joy. I knew immediately that my life would never be the same again. And when I saw Mount Everest for the first time, I knew right away that I would stand on the roof of the world one day" she said to herself at that moment, far from imagining that it would be the case less than 5 years later since she indeed touched "the roof of the world" on May 31, 2021.

Beyond this exceptional experience, Marie-Pier keeps in mind a particularly happy memory during a getaway with her mother, godmother and cousin three summers ago at the Parc Régional du Mont-Ham. "I felt privileged to have this beautiful group of women by my side. It was their way of supporting me in my preparation as I was about to go climb my first 8000m in Nepal: Manaslu (8th highest mountain in the world which I reached the summit in September 2019)," she explains, adding that her family has always been concerned about her passion for high altitude mountaineering and that the hardest part of preparing for this adventure was convincing her mother, whose first mountain it was! "This moment together, on Mount Ham, was their way of showing their support, of supporting me in my endeavors, my dreams," she says. With few mountain options in her area, Mount Ham has become almost a tradition during her visits to Quebec. "I've climbed it over and over again and I'm not tired of it! It is synonymous with good memories for me," exclaims the climber.

Alex Godard: pushing his limits
Even before starting pre-school, Alex Godard had seen the four corners of Quebec because of his parents who liked to explore our vast territory with him and his brother. The first time he went to the mountains with them was at Mont-Tremblant and he remembers finding it "immense and impressive because we took a gondola to get there". As a teenager, he was more into music than he was into mountains, although after his band broke up, he wanted to get back in shape. With his best friend, he went to climb Giant Mountain in the Adirondack Mountain Range. "Blindly, I jumped on board this adventure he was planning, and since then, all my plans revolve around hiking. We still joke about that day because it created a monster," laughs Alex.
We asked him to tell us about his best mountain hiking adventure in Quebec. This adventure covered two weekends and gave him the confidence to realize all his future projects. He had 2 years of hiking behind him and several summits on his roadmap. "I had never attempted anything more than 24 km in one day. However, I was fit enough to challenge myself to do the entire sentier Inter-Centre (tête blanche, montagne grise, montagne blanche et montagne noire) in the Laurentides/Lanaudière region.», he recalls. He had a few layers of clothing in his backpack because of the cool mornings - the first morning, it even snowed! water, a small first aid kit and lots of soft bars. The first crossing went well and he covered about 40 km and over 1700 m of elevation gain in 8 hours. He was very happy with himself. So the following weekend, he repeated the experience with about 48 km and more than 2000 m of elevation that he took the trouble to draw in advance on a map to be able to reach as many peaks as possible. "At that point, I would hike the roof of the Laurentians and the peaks of Mont-Tremblant, come back down and pick up the sentier Le Centenaire to the Vache Noire peak, come back down to do the Nixon loop and finish it all off by walking back to my car at the bottom of the ski resort. It was about 10 hours. I really believe that this experience gave me confidence in my abilities and gave me the desire to constantly push my limits," he says.
His next adventures will take him to the Chic-Chocs in the Parc National de la Gaspésie where he plans to shoot a few scenes. "Going across the Magdalen Islands would also be something that interests me," he says.
"The fact of being alone, with your thoughts, or being surrounded by friends and having the best discussions in the world. There is also the physical effort, the surpassing of oneself and above all, the fact of pushing my mental and physical limits" - explains Alex Godard about his love for the mountains.

Discover Alex Godard's ambassador page
To discover
Quebec has hundreds of mountains over 400 meters in altitude, making it an ideal place for hikers and climbers. Hiking is an outdoor activity that can be enjoyed almost anywhere. There are trails for beginners, intermediate and advanced hikers.
Here are some other great hiking discoveries to make :
- Parc national du Mont-Orford, located in the Estrie tourist region, has nearly a dozen hiking trails perfect for hiking. It offers hikers an excellent opportunity to hike up the mountains of its two main peaks, Mont-Orford and Mont-Chauve.
- Parc national du Mont-Mégantic in the Estrie region: This park, which is part of the first International Dark Sky Reserve, will give you access to breathtaking views of the peaks of Mont-Mégantic and Mont Saint-Joseph.
- Mont Kaaikop in the Laurentians: The Mont Kaaikop, the second highest summit in the Laurentians, offers many beautiful trails to discover in winter as well as in summer. Surprisingly, it is possible to see the city of Montreal on a clear day!
- Parc national des Grands-Jardins in Charlevoix: In this park, you can enjoy a variety of beautiful landscapes, including taiga, alpine tundra, the hardwood forest as well as the boreal forest. The Pioui and the must-see Lac-des-Cygnes mountain offer you a unique view of the Charlevoix meteorite crater.
- Parc du national du Bic in the Bas-Saint-Laurent: Located on the shores of the majestic St. Lawrence River, this park offers a network of approximately 25 kilometers of trails. Its highest peak, Pic Champlain, reaches 346 meters and offers a breathtaking view of the sea and mountains.
- Monts-Groulx in the Côte-Nord region: The Monts Groulx (Uapishka), located north of Manic 5, have about thirty peaks over 1,000 meters. These peaks offer views of one of the largest crater lakes in the world, Lake Manicouagan, which is visible from space. You must be prepared for everything from extreme weather conditions to challenging terrain.
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