To enjoy winter, you must go outside and play. To enjoy the outdoors, you need to be well dressed but also well accompanied! Let's take a look at our best winter outdoor activities for two to inspire you for the upcoming weekends.

If you have good skiing or snowboarding skills, backcountry skiing, or also known as touring skiing, is a great mix of adrenaline, outdoors and intense physical activity. It's like hiking, cross-country skiing and downhill skiing all in one. The uphill is challenging, but the downhill on virgin powder snow trails is worth it. Imagine hiking up the mountain, but coming back down on a cloud, feeling like you've earned it! It's the perfect opportunity to discover the beautiful nature that surrounds us.
Our marketing colleague, Claudie Laroche, fell in love with this sport during a trip to Western Canada. It was an opportunity for her to discover new landscapes but also new virgin lines to ride. These weeks, she is doing it on the side of Mont-Édouard near the village of l'Anse-Saint-Jean, which is ranked as the 5th most important vertical drop in the province. "It is a centre that I would recommend to beginners. It's a safe place because the area is patrolled and there are several heated chalets to warm up and eat in," she says.

Vous aimeriez à votre tour vivre l’expérience? Elle nous livre ses grands conseils pour le ski haute-route:
- Comme on est en hors-piste, c’est beaucoup plus sécuritaire d’avoir un partenaire. S’il nous arrive quelque chose, on est souvent seuls au monde comparativement à un centre de ski. C’est aussi plus encourageant parce qu’il est très physique en montée. C’est rassurant et motivant d’avoir quelqu’un avec qui partager sa journée de hors-piste.
- L’équipement est somme toute assez dispendieux. En planche à neige, on doit se procurer un splitboard, des fixations de hors-piste, des peaux de phoques et des bâtons rétractables. En ski, on a besoin de skis de poudreuses, de fixations de hors-piste et il est conseillé de se procurer des bottes de hors-piste qui seront beaucoup mieux adaptées pour les parties en montée. À cet équipement, s’ajoutent les vêtements multicouche et l’équipement de sécurité contre les avalanches si on skie dans des endroits propices à celles-ci. Au final, si on pratique le sport seulement une fois par année, la location devient moins dispendieuse. Elle conseille fortement de louer pour vos débuts avant de savoir si vous avez la piqûre.

Finally, which places do we recommend for adventure? The Chics-Chocs are known as the place to be for off-piste skiing. The snow conditions are often ideal for this sport. However, some mountains are now forbidden for the protection of the fauna and flora. It is important to find out about this before going up. As for Claudie, she dreams of venturing to Murdochville, the new "must" for backcountry skiers, as she sees several skiers sharing photos of majestic landscapes. We can't wait for her to come back with her own shots and tell us about these wonderful moments in another blog post!
The icy trails nestled in the heart of the conifers must be explored, especially since the milder winters have made these activities possible for shorter periods in recent years. So let's take advantage of them when we have the opportunity! Consider the trail in the Bois de Belle-rivière regional educational park in the Laurentians (2.5 km) or the enchanting site near Gatineau Park, which offers a 3 km trail. Tours like these are often available closer than you think! Keep your eyes open. Finally, whether it's in the forest or an untried ice ring, there's probably a rink to be discovered in your area in a nature centre or even courtesy of the city. All you have to do is get out your winter coat and sharpen your skates and you're ready to go. Whether it's just the two of you or a group of friends, you'll be sure to make many happy memories.

Nordic touring skiing is more accessible than backcountry skiing and should be tried at least once in your life. The equipment is less expensive and you don't need a high level of skiing to have fun. We tested this sport in the Parc national des Grands-Jardins, a park in the SÉPAQ network. We adopted the loop from Lac Pointu to Etang Malbaie, which totals 11 km and is completed in a single day. There is also the possibility of sleeping in one of the two refuges which have a capacity of 6 sleepers, for a total escape. This is one of the regrets of our team of adventurers who would have liked to spend a night there to discover even more viewpoints. By the way, the park also offers the possibility of having your luggage transported to the refuge, which makes it possible to enjoy a delicious candlelit fondue! For your information, the tour can also be done on snowshoes.
Expert advice: you will be surrounded by several bare peaks of more than 800 to 900 metres, each of which offers a breathtaking view of the jewels of the area. Let the reception desk tell you which one(s) to put on your "to-exploration list".

Our colleague Stéphanie came back a few weeks ago from a weekend in love, with stars in her eyes. Since then, we've been dying to discover Territoire Charlevoix near La Malbaie, which offers refuges or camping spaces in the mountains. "It was love at first sight for my boyfriend and I last year, when we went on a winter camping trip there," she explains, saying that there is a very practical community shelter where you can cook or do some dishes if you need to, and above all, keep warm. This time, we dared to go for a more luxurious but still rustic shelter that is in perfect harmony with the natural environment," she enthuses, recalling that this is the place to enjoy nature and where time stands still.
Has the mention of winter camping caught your interest? See our Chlorophylle team and wilderness photographer Éric Deschamps being introduced to this activity by wilderness survival specialist Michel Tremblay in episode 4 of Boreal Adventure. This episode will air on March 2.
Discover also the advice of our ambassador Michel Tremblay for a successful winter camping.

Snowshoeing or crampons, winter hiking has been booming for a few years. Finding yourself on a narrow trail, among snow-covered giants, and getting your cardio pumping, there's no equal to this winter fun! Need some trail inspiration? Don't miss Sépaq's article that gathers in an article a few proposals for short hikes among its network, and thus, across the province to inspire us.
Take the adventure a step further and take advantage of an evening when the mercury is mild to explore a lighted trail, or get out the headlamps to add a touch of magic to your adventure. Don't forget the thermos filled with a hot beverage to warm you up halfway through the hike and, above all, look up to see the stars that are staring you in the face.
Although this article was written in the middle of summer, it nevertheless provides some wise advice on how to prepare a hike.
La vallée des fantômes: a must see
We recommend the Vallée des Fantômes in the Parc National des Monts-Valin in the Saguenay region. This 6km round trip trail has become a must on the winter trails and takes you to the 984-metre-high Pic Dubuc. Accessible to the whole family, you will be surrounded and enchanted by its giant conifers buried under the snow. If you want to extend the pleasure, it is possible to rent pretty chalets or huts nearby to spend the night. Our Chlorophylle team spent a wonderful day there last year during a week of clothing trials. See this episode of L'Aventure Boréale. To appreciate this beautiful valley, you have two options: snowshoes or backcountry skis. Which will you choose?

Another magical moment experienced by Stéphanie, our colleague explorer from the Chlorophylle team, was sleeping in a yurt in the Vallée du Bras-du-Nord in Saint-Raymond-de-Portneuf. For three years in a row, she added a night to the stay because they loved it so much. "Sleeping in a yurt is an adventure to experience. The natural light that comes in through the skylight in the ceiling creates a great light and atmosphere," she says, explaining that she likes the routine that comes with the yurt. For example, stoking the wood stove, going for a walk on snowshoes or skis, coming back to eat a nice soup warmed on the stove, going back outside to enjoy the fresh air or simply to read a good book. "It's a time to disconnect or rather reconnect with nature," she says with a smile.
In addition to snowshoeing and skiing, there is also the option of a fatbike to tame the trails and the via ferrata, which is worth the diversions for its incredible viewpoints, to complete a nostalgic stay.

A winter picnic has a little something extra than a summer picnic! This year, dare to do it with these tips. First, pick the perfect spot: whether it's in your own backyard, a friend's, a nearby park or on a hike. Then, prepare all the basic gear: appropriate clothing and/or layers, a waterproof blanket or tarp for the ground, a thermos containing at least 2 cups (500 ml) of hot liquid, enough water, utensils, sunscreen, matches if you plan to make a small fire and a backpack, if necessary, to hold all the equipment. Finally, forget the watermelon and white wine and choose foods that will have a better meal-weather pairing. The hot broth in the thermos will always be a food must. You could also use this container to hold chicken soup, cream of vegetable soup or chilli. Sandwiches can be a safe bet, unless the ride is too long and freezes the food. Because if you manage food and heat in the summer, you have to make sure your lunch doesn't get too cold and break your teeth. Also, a spread (hummus, tuna or salmon) can be interesting with some biscuits and raw vegetables. Finally, homemade patties or pieces of chocolate, nuts and dried fruit make a satisfying dessert.

When our ambassador Michel wants to impress his sweetheart, there is no better way than by sharing a winter picnic. "Often, we like to have a goal or an objective during a hike. I think it's perfect to take advantage of an outing in the forest to impress your partner with a ride, yes, but also a view, a fire, a stove to cook a hot meal, a drink and of course, a little comfort to keep from freezing. This combination should be remembered for a long time," he says.
Practical tips to prevent frostbite
Have you or your family got a magical place to show us? Don't hesitate to leave us your personal feedback!
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